Federal Advocacy
The Committee on Federal Advocacy is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with each member of Congress from the State of Delaware, ensuring that DPA's Federal Advocacy Coordinator is identified as an essential key contact in Delaware on mental health issues before the Congress. Under the leadership of the Federal Advocacy Coordinator, the committee shall monitor federal issues and legislation impacting mental health and the profession of psychology through its ongoing relationship with the APA Practice Organization. The Committee shall advise the Association's Executive Council and membership on all critical federal legislative issues, work with the Association Executive Director to communicate APAPO action alerts and coordinate grassroots response to these calls for actions. As necessary, the Committee shall organize an effective grassroots network of psychologists within the State of Delaware. Advocacy activity may take the form of letters or calls to Congress, meetings with Members of Congress, attendance at town hall meetings, op-eds, or letters-to-the-editor.