DPA Mentorship Program
The Membership Committee is working this year on getting a mentorship program going for DPA members. If you are a veteran psychologist, consider sharing your years of experience with a newcomer to the profession. If you are a "not so veteran" psychologist who would like to participate, we welcome you too! If you are a recent graduate or new practitioner who would like us to help you find a mentor, please let us know. This is an extremely important program and your participation can be of great value. If interested, email Kelly Wetzel at admin@depsych.org.
Guidelines for Mentors and Mentees
- DPA membership in good standing
- Available commitment for a mutually agreed upon time
Typical roles and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Acts as a resource for information
- Supports the mentee with identifying specific mentoring goals and outcomes or the mentoring relationship
- Establishes a mutually agreed upon contact plan
- Personal satisfaction of using one’s knowledge, insight and experience to contribute to our professional community
- Expansion of professional network
- Fosters a dialogue about current trends and approaches in the field
- DPA membership in good standing
Typical roles and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Work with mentor to establish personalized mentoring goals
- Follow through on commitments and goals set during the mentoring sessions.
- Work with mentor to determine plan for contact throughout the year
- Assistance in defining career goals, strategies and options
- Increasing knowledge and gaining resources to connect with other members in the community
- Building a strong referral base