DPA - Delaware Psychological Association

Advertising in The DPA Bulletin

The DPA Bulletin is a publication put out each month, with the exception of July.  It is sent out to all of our members, making it an excellent way to reach them.

The advertising rates are as follows:

 One Time/Year

Three Times/Year 

 Six Times/Year

 Full 8 1/2" X 11" page -  Dimensions: 9 1/4" (h) X 7 1/2" (w)





 Half Page - Dimensions: 4 3/4" (h) X 7 1/2" (w) for horizontal

9 1/4" (h) X 3 1/2" (w) for vertical








Please make checks payable to the 'Delaware Psychological Association' and mail to the address below. Or you can pay online by contacting us at the number provided.

If you need any additional information, please contact the DPA office at (302)475-1574 and send ad copy via e-mail to admin@depsych.org.  Thank you for your interest!


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