- Confused over the difference between complex and other types of trauma or how to treat PTSD or CPTSD?
- Confused by the different methods being advertised as the one way to treat trauma?
- Concerned you didn’t receive training about working with traumatized clients.
- Confused about when and how to address a history of trauma and fearful of intensifying your client’s suffering or making your client worse?
- Not sure you want to work with these issues?
This workshop is designed to provide information on these issues and to offer detailed guidance for the treatment of this patient population.
Over the past decade, understanding of what constitutes complex trauma and what differentiates it from more time-limited impersonal forms of trauma has grown significantly. Complex trauma is now recognized as the most common type of trauma with a wide range of developmental and posttraumatic consequences. A history of complex trauma is prevalent in many clients who seek mental health treatment, making it important for clinicians to be able to recognize symptoms and to offer relevant and evidence-based and supported treatment.
1. Communicate differences between complex and other types of traumatic stressors.
2. Discuss common developmental and posttraumatic consequences of complex trauma exposure.
3. List the criteria for complex PTSD in the ICD-11.
4. Describe the primary elements of the PRISM meta-model acronym.
5. Discuss how dissociative fragmentation of consciousness and self and traumatic reenactment can result in crises in psychotherapy sessions.
6. Describe secondary traumatic stress reactions that psychotherapists often experience when developmental trauma and dissociative crises occur in therapy sessions.

Christine A. Courtois, PhD, ABPP, is a board-certified counseling psychologist, recently retired from her clinical practice and now a consultant/trainer on trauma psychology and treatment. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Maryland Psychological Association, and the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). She is a charter member and past president of APA Division 56 (Trauma Psychology) and has served two terms on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). She was the founding Associate Editor of Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy and chaired the recently released APA Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of PTSD in Adults. She has received the APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Professional Practice, the ISTSS Sarah Haley Award for Clinical Excellence, and most recently the American Board of Professional Psychology Distinguished Service Award to the Profession of Psychology and the APA Division 56 Lifetime Achievement Award. She has written or co-edited ten books and numerous articles on topics of trauma and its treatment.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Scholarship in Psychology
The DPA recognizes the study and practice of psychology exists within a majority culture that does not afford equitable access and opportunity to all and is striving to actively dismantle policies and processes that oppress individuals and groups. In our effort to shift systemic inequalities and foster inclusion and equality, we are starting a fund that will provide yearly grant awards to students and professionals of color at the secondary, undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels as well as established professionals and career changers. Learn more and apply for the scholarship here.