Friday, June 16th from 9:30am to 12:45pm (one 15 minute break)
University of Delaware's Audion Room (STAR Campus), 100 Discovery Blvd., Newark, DE 19713. We also have a virtual option available.
Please see the Program Brochure.
Three (3) Continuing Education Credits
This workshop will fulfill the mandatory telehealth requirements for the PSYPACT license.
Program Description:
The presentation will cover the need and rationale for allowing psychologists to use electronic communications interjurisdictionally to provide telepsychological services ethically and legally to patients. It will examine the APA Guidelines on Telepsychology with particular focus on competency, informed consent and confidentiality and security of the data as well as the ASPPB Standards on Telepsychology. The presentation will explore the obstacles for interjurisdictional telepsychology practice and offer solutions for the ethical and legal interjurisdictional practice and provide a discussion of ASPPB's E.Passport and the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, PSYPACT.
Program Objectives:
1. Recite the APA Guidelines and ASPPB Standards for Telepsych Practice.
2. Employ ethical and legal ways to provide interjurisdictional telepsychological services to patients.
3. Summarize the E.Passport and PSYPACT and how psychologists can obtain an E.Passport and practice under PSYPACT.
4. List how many jurisdictions adopted PSYPACT.
About Our Presenter: Dr. Alex M. Siegel

Dr. Alex M. Siegel is an attorney and clinical psychologist. Dr. Siegel was appointed to the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology. He served on the Board for 13 years, 6 of which as Chair of the State Board. Dr. Siegel was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). He was also elected President of ASPPB in 2008. Currently, Dr. Siegel is the Director of Professional Affairs (DPA) for ASPPB. In his role as DPA, he serves as a liaison between ASPPB and state and national psychological associations. He provides training to new members of psychology licensing boards in the U.S. and the colleges of psychology in Canada. He was staff to the APA/ASPPB/APAIT joint task force on telepsychology and to the ASPPB task force on regulations for interjurisdictional telepsychological practice. He was a member of the PSYPACT task force. He is also Chair of the ASPPB Model Act and Regulations Committee (MARC). In addition, Dr. Siegel consults with state governments, attorneys, courts and maintains a small clinical and forensic practice.
Target Audience: