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Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior: Who are They and How Can We Help?
Friday, January 24th, 1PM-2:30PM
Virtual Workshop (Zoom), 1.5 CE Credits
Presented by: Erin Taylor, Ph.D.
This program is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Psychological Association (NHPA) and Oklahoma Psychological Association.

Participants will learn to differentiate between typical and problematic sexual behavior in children and adolescents, identify research-supported components of treatment, recognize common misconceptions, and develop strategies to educate and engage professionals across disciplines to better serve children and adolescents, their child victims, and their caregivers.
Learning Objectives:
Describe guidelines and strategies for differentiating between typical and problematic sexual behavior in children.
2. List at least three common misconceptions regarding children with problematic sexual behavior.
3. Identify risk and protective factors for children with problematic sexual behavior.
4. Apply the concepts of typical and problematic sexual behavior in children in clinical practice.
About the Presenter: Erin Taylor, Ph.D.

Erin Taylor, PhD, is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. She completed her doctoral work at the University of Missouri and her undergraduate work at Vanderbilt University. Her primary clinical interests include assessment and treatment of children exhibiting problematic sexual behavior and who have a history of experiencing trauma. In addition, her research interests focus on the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for underserved populations youth.
Dr. Taylor is currently the program coordinator and lead clinician for the Treatment Program for Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB) for preschool children, and she has previously served as a lead clinician in the PSB Programs for school-age children. She is a Master Trainer in the University of Oklahoma Problematic Sexual Behavior – Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy model for school-age children and provides training to students, as well as state and regional providers. In addition, Dr. Taylor has been trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidence-based treatment (EBT) for children and adolescents impacted by trauma and their parents or caregivers; she is currently completing training and certification for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) model. During her graduate training, Dr. Taylor received training in Multisytemic Therapy (MST), an intensive, in-home family therapy model for youth engaged in antisocial or delinquent behavior and was supervised by the model co-developer.
In addition to her clinical activities, Dr. Taylor is actively involved in multiple research projects focused on children and adolescents exhibiting problematic sexual behavior. Over the previous two years, she has contributed to numerous projects focused on the implementation of EBTs for children exhibiting problematic sexual behavior, adaptations of EBTs, youth engagement in electronic and online sexual behaviors (e.g., sexting, viewing online pornography), parenting practices, collaboration efforts across multiple professional systems (e.g., law enforcement, child welfare, mental health) who work with youth exhibiting PSB, and EBT adoption in community providers.
Please take note:
“Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior: Who are They and How Can We Help?,” 1.5 CE credits, is sponsored by the Delaware Psychological Association. This program is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Psychological Association (NHPA) and Oklahoma Psychological Association. The Delaware Psychological Association and the New Hampshire Psychological Association are approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. DPA and NHPA maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.
Social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors can receive continuing education from continuing education providers approved by APA. Because DPA is approved by APA to sponsor continuing education, licensed social workers, licensed clinical social workers, licensed marriage and family therapists, and licensed professional counselors will be able to fulfill their continuing education requirement by attending DPA continuing education programs.
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