Are We Loosening the Definition of Disability?
Monday, April 7th, 11:00AM-1:00PM
Virtual Workshop (Zoom), 2 EDI CE Credits
Presented by: Robb Mapou, Ph.D., ABBP
This workshop is based on the author’s 2022 article, “Have we loosened the definition of disability?” published in volume 15 of Psychological Injury and the Law. It covers the changes in the law and documentation requirements in the 30+ years since the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and how these changes have loosened the definition of disability.
Learning objectives:
1. Describe the changes in the law since the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act that have changed the definition of a disability.
2. Identify steps taken by testing organizations to implement these changes.
3. Discuss how the changes in law and documentation requirements have loosened the definition of a disability, which applies to individuals across ethnicity, race, culture, and sexual and gender orientations.
Please take note:
“Are We Loosening the Definition of Disability?,” 2 EDI CE credits, is sponsored by the Delaware Psychological Association. The Delaware Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. DPA maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.
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